asf source movie is a 640x480 frame grabber. Standard DVD "letterbox" has an aspect ratio of 16:9. You need to specify this so that the transcoding doesn't make the output video "fat", stretch things to fit the wider DVD width. For instance, a Webcam or framegrabber with 640x480 or 320x240 resolution has an -aspect-ratio of 4:3.

Set the -sout-transcode-fps to match your target, using 29.97 for NTSC, 25 for PAL.A DVD format file should be 720x480 resolution for NTSC, or 720x576 resolution for PAL.If you need more channels, use a52 and increase the bitrate budget 64 or 96K/channel (2 channels 192K, 6 channel 384K. For audio, mp2a 2-channel 192K works well.mpg, mpeg ps encapsulation, mp2v video (a good bitrate is 4 Mbps). At least one track must be in a52 or raw. Up to 8 audio tracks in the following formats.At least one track must be in a52, mp2a or raw. Format mp2v (MPEG-2 Video), up to 9.8 Mbps.Encapsulation (mux): mpeg ps up to 10.08 Mbps total for everything.To make a DVD, you first have to change your movie file into the DVD format, which is MPEG 2.